I have a new story up at WPMUDev, “What the New Webmention and Annotation W3C Standards Mean for WordPress.”
Webmentions and Annotations are ideas that come out of the IndieWeb movement. This is an effort to remind all of us that the Web doesn’t have to be dominated by a few gigantic companies, and that we are – and should be – in control of our own online content.

If Annotations intrigue you as much as they did to me, head over to Hypothesis and grab their Chrome extension or Firefox bookmarklet.
Read my story to learn more about these two new standards, and how to add them in WordPress.
Coming soon: an “indie-fied” site
As an aside: Very soon, you’ll be able to respond to items on this site from your own site using the Webmention standard. Annotations will be easier too. As part of a general facelift and rethinking of how I can best serve you, the reader, this site will become a part of the IndieWeb.
I am very excited about this redesign, and I hope you will be too.
Will Webmentions and Annotations help you communicate with the larger Web? Do you have any ideas for improving this website? Do leave a comment!