If you’re in Milwaukee this Saturday, and especially if you write (for a hobby, for a living, or somewhere in between), I hope to see you at WriteCamp 5 in beautiful Bay View on the southeast side of town.
The unconference format means there’s still time for you to prepare your own session too. WriteCamp is for all writers of all kinds, and all levels of experience. We have a lot of fun — and thanks to the sponsors, it’s all Free of charge (even lunch).
See you Saturday at:
Mercy Hill @ The Hide House
2625 S Greeley St,
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Registration (and pancakes) starts at 9AM. Sessions start at 10AM and go till 6PM. Come and go as you please.
English: 1882 drawing of looking over Milwaukee from Bay View. Derived from public domain image uploaded at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Milwaukee_1882.jpg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)