I posted a Privacy Policy on the site.

Yes, I realize it’s a little late for my European visitors. You may have concerns under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I hope that the strength of the policy compensates for its delay. Better late than never.

I based the policy on guidance from Automattic and plugin developers. Many thanks for the customized Privacy Guide they provided.

There is a lot of legal language, as you might expect. But here’s the short, plain description of MichaelMcCallister.com’s privacy policy.

  • Above all, I created this website for communication between me, my readers, and past, present, and future colleagues and editors.
  • Aside from your public comments on posts like this, and private submissions via my contact form, I won’t keep anything you might do here.
  • I am interested in learning what topics interest visitors here, and allow Google Analytics to track and report anonymous results to me.
  • I have no interest in anything else you do on the Internet.
  • Most importantly, I have no intention of ever turning my visitors into my product. That will never change.

If you have questions or concerns about anything in the privacy policy, comment on this post, or write privacy@michaelmccallister.com. I will read it and respond quickly.

Thanks for visiting!


Michael McCallister