David Moldawer writes a newsletter for writers and other creatives with a boatload of advice on productivity and creativity. When you read this, you should follow his advice — and then click the Subscribe button in the upper right corner. Even if you’re not a writer, I don’t think you’ll regret it.

The other day, I mentioned a problem to an acquaintance. For the purposes of this story, let’s call my acquaintance Sesquipedalian, “characterized by long words; long-winded.” Ple…

Source: take your best advice and give it away – The Maven Game

GENEVA, March 4, 2019 — Thirty years ago, a young computer expert working at CERN combined ideas about accessing information with a desire for broad

Source: CERN Highlights the 30-Year Anniversary of the Invention of the Internet

Looking forward to this event next week. I wonder if it will be online? 😎

On the morning of 12 March, the Web@30 event at CERN will kick off celebrations around the world. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau and other Web pioneers and experts will share their views on the challenges and opportunities brought by the Web.