One thing I really love about the WordPress community is that its not always about commercial use cases. Just as often a plugin or theme is created because it serves to help WordPress users express themselves or share their thoughts easier–not just get more users/customers.
The topic of today’s…


Nathan B. Weller at Elegant Themes reviews four WordPress plugins that will slurp up your posts on other social networks and post them on your WordPress site.

As he notes: “If you’re the type of user who does not necessarily like creating standard WordPress blog posts but are actively providing quality status updates on Facebook, tweets on twitter, videos on youtube, pins on pinterest, photos on instagram, and quick blog posts on tumblr–then putting all of that content in one place where you control it (and own it) may be very worthwhile.”

Of course, if you’re a writer, these plugins can help you integrate all your posts, giving both you and your readers more creative time, since you won’t have to copy everything to your site.

Now if only one of these plugins would pull from LinkedIn!

See on Scoop.itBuild Your Author Platform: New Rules

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