The August issue of the Midwest Book Review “Wisconsin Book Watch” said some really nice things in a brief review of Build Your Author Platform: The New Rules. Here’s the line that made me smile the broadest:
Replete with pragmatic and illustrative book marketing lessons, examples, success stories, and a wealth of tips and techniques, “Build Your Author Platform: The New Rules: A Literary Agent’s Guide to Growing Your Audience in 14 Steps” will prove to be an enduringly valuable addition to personal, professional, academic, and community library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections. Very highly recommended to writers aspiring to become successful authors…
Based just outside of Madison, Wisconsin, The MBR is oriented toward independent authors and small presses. Editor James A. Cox looks especially to help independent booksellers and librarians of all kinds find the best books that don’t always get the marketing push of the Big Five. Thanks!
Go read the whole review (and the whole August issue).